Elastic Path + Zendesk

The industry's leading integration between Zendesk and Elastic Path is powered by agnoStack - learn more through the links below and/or schedule a demo!

Elastic Path / Zendesk Connector - by agnoStack

The Zendesk Support for Elastic Path/Moltin connector by agnoStack provides the industry's best unified commerce support experience. From the smallest to the largest retailers, agnoStack helps your business grow rapidly, providing tailored functionality for eCommerce customer service.

Display accurate customer information from Elastic Path like order history, shipping information, billing information, and more - directly alongside Zendesk Support tickets in the right sidebar. Grant your support agents immediate access to the customer information they need in order to provide the most convenient and fluent support experience possible.

Top Zendesk eCommerce Apps

agnoStack is one of the Top Rated Zendesk Apps, providing the industry's best Zendesk Commerce customer support functionality.

Learn more about agnoStack!

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