Release Number

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    Thursday Jun 16, 2022


    Shopify Multi-Tender Refunds!

    We are now introducing support for our Shopify customers who are using multiple Payment Providers (as well as customers using Shopify Plus for Gift Cards) the ability to issue refunds across all forms of tender for a specific order!

    This functionality will give agents the ability to select the applicable refund method when processing order level, line item level, or even custom refunds (this functionality is already available today for customers using our BigCommerce integration - availability is now expanded to Shopify, and additional platforms coming soon).

    Shopify Gift Cards/Multi-Tender Refunds

    New Features

    Customer Insights UI Enhancements

    In preparation for adding support for additional upcoming integrations, and on the tails of our recent enhancements of our Customer Insights module to add Actionable Insights, we have now further improved the user interface. The new experience includes tabbed viewing of data organized by each additional Add-On Provider you have configured.

    Enahnced Customer Insights - Shopify
    Enahnced Customer Insights - Mailchimp


    CommerceTools - Custom Order Numbers

    The team has added enhanced functionality for customers running our CommerceTools integration to now better support scenarios making use of custom order numbers. This update should seamlessly allow agents to now search by order number or order id directly within the order list view.

    Permission Management (Bug Fix)

    We have made a minor, but important, fix to our fine grained Permission Management functionality for retailers who have more than 100 agents in the system. Permission sets management is included for all customers on our Premium and Enterprise Tier. It is also available as an add-on Feature Set for customers on our lower tiers.

    General Performance Improvements 🚀

    This new 4.8.0 release marks a marked improvement for performance and speed across application load. In addition to general application performance updates, any Agents with Admin level permissions should see significant differences in overall application load time.


    HubSpot - CRM integration

    We are about to launch a set of upcoming CRM integrations, beginning with customers who are using HubSpot. To learn more about the upcoming early access program (EAP)/launch, please contact the team at

    Customizable Configuration

    Several customers have shared feedback/interest asking for the ability to configure which fields of data are displayed to agents within Order line item details as well as within our Customer Insights. The team is working on enhancing the fullscreen configuration experience for customers on our Premium and Enterprise Tier to allow the ability to add more fine grained control.

    Learn more about the latest 4.8.0 release as well as upcoming features by {' '} scheduling a demo!

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