asked questions.

    Install/Configure Your App

    Shopify Premium for Zendesk

    To set up the Shopify Premium for Zendesk plugin, please follow the steps below to install and configure the plugin into your Zendesk subdomain.

    Install from Zendesk Marketplace

    Go to the Shopify Premium for Zendesk listing in the Zendesk Marketplace and click the Install button.

    Shopify Premium for Zendesk: Zendesk Marketplace

    You will then be prompted with a modal window to "Select account to install this app" where you'll select your Zendesk subdomain and then click Install to confirm.

    Shopify by agnoStack: Zendesk OAuth

    After you've installed the plugin inside of your Zendesk instance, open up the Support Center and click on the Shopify icon in the Zendesk sidebar navigation panel on the left-hand side of the screen.

    Once in the fullscreen view of the agnoStack plugin, you will be prompted (as an admin) to Configure Your Account. This configuratin panel can be accessed via the Gear icon on the right-hand navigation menu.

    (NOTE: You can return to this Configuration panel at any time (as an admin) to modify your settings or subscription settings)

    Shopify is available as a Commerce Provider within the agnoStack plugin and supports using a built-in Shipping and Payment Provider, making use of the configuration you've already set up in Shopify.


    Your Store Name is the same as your Shopify subdomain. For example, if your Shopify Admin URL is, the value for Store Name should be entered as mystorefront (the Shopify Store Name will be the section of the URL after "https://" and before "").

    If you already have the API credentials mentioned below, you can enter them directly within the agnoStack configuration screen. If you need to obtain the credentials, you can access these values by performing the following steps:

    From your Shopify store dashboard, navigate to the Apps page by selecting Apps from your left-hand sidebar.

    At the bottom of the Apps page, click on Develop apps for your store.

    If Private apps are not enabled, click on Enable private app development.

    Check all boxes on the following page and then click on Allow custom app development.

    Click on Create an app.

    Once on the Create an app dialog, give your app a name (ex. agnoStack Zendesk Connector) and select an email address.

    Once on the App Devlopment Overview section, click on Configure Admin API scopes to expand and select permissions.

    Set the following fields to Read and write:

    • Customers
    • Draft orders
    • Gift cards
    • Order editing
    • Orders
    • Returns
    • Store credit account transactions

    Set the following fields to Read access:

    • Assigned fulfillment orders
    • Inventory
    • Locations
    • Merchant-managed fulfillment orders
    • Product listings
    • Products
    • Shopify Markets
    • Store credit accounts
    • Themes
    • Third-party fulfillment orders

    Leave all other fields as their default values. NOTE: there should be a total of 24 Selected scopes.

    Shopify Admin API Permissions

    Click Save and then click Install app in the top right-hand corner of the page and then click the Install button on the confirmation pop up.

    You will be presented with your credentials. You will need to obtain your API Access Token.

    If you have custom Prefix and/or Suffix settings for Order Numbers inside of your Shopify admin configuration, you will want to configure these in agnoStack as well. In order to check these values, navigate to your Standards and Formats by going to Settings > Store Details > Standards and formats.

    Below is a quick overview of the core steps in the configuration and activation process.

    Shopify: Configuration (Subscription)Shopify: Configuration (Confirmation)

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